174943 has been assigned
Set name to Spot
Set favorite_food to Meat
Set sound to Ruff
Asked for name
Asked for sound
Asked for favorite_food
Asked for id
Spot says Ruff give me some Meat my id is 174943 total animals = 1

Favorite Number 3.14159
690171 has been assigned
Set name to Grover
Set favorite_food to Mushrooms
Set sound to Grrrrrrr
Asked for name
Asked for sound
Asked for favorite_food
Asked for id
Grover says Grrrrrrr give me some Mushrooms my id is 690171 total animals = 2

Spot runs
Grover runs like crazy
Running is Good
Grover says Grrrrrrr give me some Mushrooms my id is 690171 total animals = 2

Grover sings 'Bow wow, woooow, woooooooooow'
Spot sings 'Grrrr grr grrr grrrrrrrrr'
Grover sings 'Bow wow, woooow, woooooooooow'

Spot sings 'Grrrr grr grrr grrrrrrrrr'
Grover sings 'Bow wow, woooow, woooooooooow'
3+5= 8
It is True that $animal_one is an Animal
Spot is being destroyed :(Grover is being destroyed :(Spot is being destroyed :(